Relationship between SEO and advertising

Relationship between SEO and advertising

Author: emre Digital Marketing SEO

Evenly advance of both the links given to your website and hits on your website is a great consistency in terms of SEO. This criterion has gained great importance. While commenting on blogs and links increase your backlink, it does not increase your hits at the same rate. Therefore, SEO work loses its authenticity as it gets manipulated. Google can measure it with analytics and alexa data. So, you need to work on increasing hits while doing backlinking. The best way to do this is advertising.

Advertising is a promotion that a website would obtain mainly through more graphics. By getting advertisements from other websites, you also increase your backlink number. Besides, your website hits will increase with the visibility rate of the advertisements.

The ad’s visibility rates depend on the following criteria:

  • Consistance with site content
  • Site popularity
  • Ad size
  • Ad position
  • Pages of the site

You can get potential customers by advertising on sites that are compatible with your site content. The hits you get will be much more comparing to the ads you put to other sites.

The high number of pages of the advertised website will result in increase of both backlinking and the number of your ad’s page views.

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Emre Rothzerg

Tech Lead.
Digital Marketer.

[email protected]